MAWC News Blog


Mobile Update

In 2014, five smartphones will be sold for every PC, according to industry analysts. Small and medium-size businesses would be smart to recognize this trend and act, because you can bet big business will....


The Internet of Things update

Google continues to invest in companies that build systems like thermostats and home security cameras that are connected to the Internet. Industry analysts call this trend the “Internet of Things.” Soon, a person could...


World Cup and Social Media

The recent FIFA World Cup was more than just an exciting sporting event. Businesses and their customers flocked to social media sites to show their enthusiasm. About three-quarters of Internet users watching the World...


wifi draws ’em in

Free WiFi is more popular among customers of small businesses than traditional offerings such as magazines, water, and candy, according to a recent survey. Bredin Research and Comcast Business asked small business IT decision-makers,...


為什麼你需要一個響應式網站 English

“響應式”表示您的網站可以更 快速的且完美的呈現在所有的裝置上(桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、平板電腦、手機)。擁有響 應式網站能讓您的網站更大大的提升您的網站功能,這不是我們自己說說而已,來看看這 些統計數字- 87%的美國成人擁有手機 在Alexa前幾名的排名網站都是 使用響應式網站 對於手機網站的意見 有40%的網站因為下載過久,而不 被瀏覽 有67%的使用者,會 在手機版網頁進行消費。 74%的使用者,會重複造訪 手機網頁 52%的使用者,如果對於手機版網站使用經驗不佳,有52%的使用者 不會再造訪該公司網站。 美安網路中心提供各式各樣的免費與付費優質的響應式設計給您,幫助您的網路事業更上 一層樓! by


新增電子郵件行銷範本 (利用電子郵件進行行銷活動) English

我們新增的幾個嶄新、引人注目的電子郵件範本,讓您可以進行專業的線上行銷活動 。這個工具可以讓您發送電子報或進行網路行銷活動,例如:黑色星期五或是網購星期 一,就像其他大型零售商或是服務提供商一樣。你可以在客戶總管的選項之下,找到 這些新電子郵件範本。我們也有新的編輯工具,可以讓使用者在點選特定區域以後, 進行編輯。豐富文本編輯的新版本,在發佈之後,可以呈現基本格式。影像按鈕可以 讓使用者,更容易的自檔案總管選擇影像。新的範本也包含社群媒體按鈕。你可以追 蹤所有新電子郵件範本所發佈的活動 by


Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive innovation occurs when a new invention creates a new market and value network, then proceeds to disrupt an existing market, and over time displaces an earlier technology. One example of disruptive innovation is...