Recent WebCenter Platform Software Release Notes
Last week, we had a maintenance update to our software. There was an email sent out to all WebCenter Owners and website clients, but we wanted to also provide a list of the notes...
Last week, we had a maintenance update to our software. There was an email sent out to all WebCenter Owners and website clients, but we wanted to also provide a list of the notes...
Please be advised that the system will be taken offline for maintenance Monday, March 4, 2019, at 3:00am PDT. We anticipate approximately 1 hour of downtime for your site. All systems will promptly return to...
Texting has taken over the phone industry. According to the Pew Research Center, 97% of Americans uses text messaging at least once per day. If texting is such a popular communication method, wouldn’t it...
There’s a new partnership with The APP Company, allowing our clients to work with their WebCenter Owners for potential app development. While not owner or associated with MA WebCenters, we are excited to collaborate...
Beginning next week, October 30, 2017, we will be launching our Digital Marketing Education Series. We will cover specific industries and business categories, providing valuable marketing tips, definitions, and options to enhance your business....
美安網路中心一直致力於提供現今最全面的數位行銷解決方案。我們相信我們擁有最佳的編輯平台與支援功能。有些競爭對手可以說他們的平台易於使用,但容易使用不代表比較好。 容易使用 = 功能受限。 所以,很不幸的是,那些平台功能也非常有限。那些平台的限制及薄弱的支援能力,更凸顯出我們在這對手眾多、競爭激烈的市場上出類拔萃。沒有其他人可以與我們既易於上手,又穩固堅實的解決方案相比擬。 但我們不會因此停下腳步。我們會繼續向前。我們馬力十足,能量源源不絕。我們要確保您手上擁有最好的工具,讓您可以放心地知道,辛苦賺來的收入會為您及您的事業產生效力。這就是為什麼我們花了這麼多不眠不休的夜晚,為您的美安網路中心解決方案伺服器添加了更多、更神奇的功能。好吧,也許說神奇可能有點誇張,但是您應該可以了解我們的意思。我們努力工作,來維持您的美安網路中心解決方案永遠走在時代的尖端;此刻正是時候向您介紹一些我們一直在進行的絕佳項目。 對了,我剛剛漏提一點,那就是在這個了不起的系統上所有下列提到的強化功能,都會自動添增到您的平台,並且完全免費。部分也許會有第三方花費,但我們完全沒有參與。這些費用完全由提供服務的第三方收取。 我將把這些功能分成容易了解消化兩部分 – 與電子商務相關,及非電子商務相關: 新的電子商務功能幫助您的事業成長 電子商務管理 – 新的資訊面版可讓您啟動我們強健的電子商務平台上許多有用的新功能。– 2017年9月20日推出 貨到付款 – 您可以在貨到付款的產品上增加另外的費用。– 2017年9月20日推出 Zopim線上聊天室 – 讓您能與消費者即時對談,有助讓逛街的人決定購買。– 2017年9月20日推出 啟動電子報 – 提供特別優惠給登記訂閱您的電子報的顧客,讓您提高消費購物金額。– 2017年9月20日推出 – 運用我們的系統連結至Stamps.com網站進行流暢的郵資處理程序。– 2017年9月20日推出 M2EPro (頻道銷售) –...
We here at maWebCenters strive to provide the most comprehensive digital marketing solution available today. We feel our editing platform and support are second to none. Some of our competitors may claim their platforms...
We’ve recently launched a new feature for our website clients to make sites even more secure. Full Site Encryption using Let’s Encrypt – The update will secure all pages of the website. Old websites...
Feel like you’ve hit a snag making changes to something or just need help setting up your emails? Just give us a call. Interacting with our friendly staff will make your experience maintaining each...