Recent WebCenter Platform Software Release Notes
Last week, we had a maintenance update to our software. There was an email sent out to all WebCenter Owners and website clients, but we wanted to also provide a list of the notes here as well. On August, 8, 2019, the following enhancements and adjustments were made:
- Web Site Contacts now have a Home Country field to help WCOs quickly identify which of their sites are EU
- Fixed a bug where the RTE could not select Image Library files for Lightbox links
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t use the RTE change image option in RTE (it would add a new image instead of replacing the old)
- The upper left Hamburger menu in the editor now has an RTE: View Blocks. Enabling this will show the block types of each area (like Paragraphs and Headings) while editing RTEs. This will help with choosing Apply To settings in Properties.
- New eCommerce extension for Gift Cards. This lets stores create gift card products that can be used to pay for orders.
- Main Menu and Menu Widgets now have the option to open links in lightbox
- eCommerce properties have new Apply To options for Product Image Backgrounds. This will not work if the Catalog Zoom extension is in use.
- The Cookie Notice page is now available in toggle form for all Websites (under Web Site Settings), Webcenters (under Public Contact Info), and WC Pros (under WebCenter Settings)
- New responsive designs Business 10 and Business 11
- New Contact Group option for viewing Form Responses
- The Sign In and Forgot Password forms have been redesigned.
- New Line Pay payment method for eCommerce (Taiwan)!
- Neweb payment methods are using a new API and Gateway. Current Neweb customers can use existing Neweb Payment methods we have and still supported, but new Neweb customers are not given the old credentials anymore.
We continue to engage with our clients to determine any issues with the platform, as well as to improve the user interface and functionality. If you have any questions or concerns, please be sure to contact us at .