Morse Connect, Our Text Message Marketing Service, Now Available
Texting has taken over the phone industry. According to the Pew Research Center, 97% of Americans uses text messaging at least once per day. If texting is such a popular communication method, wouldn’t it be a great platform to promote your business and interact with customers? Now, it’s time to let your customers text your business with Morse Connect from maWebCenters®.
Morse Connect is a service that allows businesses to communicate with their customers through texting. Morse Connect can be set up through your business landline or toll-free number. Whether you are a service-based business, organization, or sell products, studies show that texting will help you run more efficiently. The quick responses save your customers time (no more “press 1 for more options”) and it can streamline your business, which will save you, the business owner, time as well!
How does Morse Connect work? The business owner sets up custom auto responses to popular questions. When a user texts the keyword or words to the number, it will respond with the answer. For example, if a user texts “hours” to the line, Morse Connect will send back a text with the hours of the business. The number of custom responses is endless so if the owner can create as many responses to questions as possible. You can even send personal messages if you so please. It’s fast, easy, and efficient!
Most of all, Morse connect will help you connect with your customers 100% of the time. This is the start of building a better relationship with your customers. Sign up for Morse Connect today!
To learn more, click here.