Faster, Stronger…Better. New Release Prepares you for Google’s Mobile First Indexing 繁體中

When Google lays down the law and tells you your website needs to improve in certain areas, what are you to do?  Well, with most other providers, you are left scrambling to determine what it is that you need to do to appease the all mighty Google.  With maWebCenters…not so much!!!  Don’t worry, we’ve got your back with this and any other major change to Internet ranking algorithms.

You may have heard the term “Mobile First Indexing” as it relates to a major update Google is making to their Internet search indexing algorithm.  These changes essentially make the mobile version of your site the primary source for building the rank for your web presence.  For those of you that upgraded to our Responsive technology, you are perfectly aligned to take advantage of this change in Google’s strategy.  If you’ve not upgraded to our Responsive technology yet, we strongly urge you to upgrade immediately.  Contact support if you have any questions on how to do so.

The changes we’ve made to the platform makes the underlying architecture of your site more attractive to Google and their indexing algorithm.  Those changes include some really geeky terms like “CSS/JS/HTML minification” and “Database schema overhaul”, amongst some other super nerd lingo we have a sneaking suspicion you could care less about.    So we’re not going to focus too much on the technical nuts and bolts of this upgrade in this blog post.  Instead, we’d prefer you know what these changes do for your business, rather than educate you on low level technical terms.

That said, let’s get to the new stuff:

Google Mobile First Optimization – Our system has been optimized to run faster and meet Google standards for mobile friendliness and index ranking. This upgrade will make it so that your website will perform better on indexing algorithms and will thus see better rank in search engine results pages. – Released 03.26.2018



Font Awesome Icons – Ability to add over 600+ icons to your site. Great for icons on bullet points, section headers, etc.  This feature makes it easier for you add really cool and stylish icons to your site for a more professional and dynamic appearance.  –  Released 03.26.2018

Font Awesome

Lightbox – Any link within your site you wish to showcase (image, page, PDF, video, etc.) can be set to open in a nice, tidy lightbox.  If you are looking for a way to really spotlight your products or drive home a specific point, a lightbox is one of the best ways to do so.  This feature takes your media and serves it up in lightbox, so that the rest of the pages contents are covered and the visitor can focus on the content you want them to and not be distracted by other information.  – Released 03.26.2018


Lightbox Page

Lightbox Page


Lightbox PDF

Lightbox PDF


Lightbox Video

Lightbox Video


Merge and Dedupe Contacts – We’ve enhanced the contact import process to work better with foreign character contact data. We are also including the ability to determine if there are duplicates in your contact list and provide a method to merge contacts.  This feature will save you a ton of time when loading in new contacts and assist in keeping your CRM system more tidy.  – Released 03.26.2018

Merge Contacts


Slideshow Area Widget – Clients have been asking for a slideshow that took up the entire viewport of the screen. It couldn’t be a stand alone gallery, because you couldn’t stack anything on top of it to interact with the gallery.  It needed to be more dynamic and interactive, so we decided to make a whole new type of container widget, “Slideshow Area Widget” and it takes other widgets and allows them to be a child of it. It even has the Ken Burns effect, where the image or video that is the background can be set to move to give it a cool in-motion appearance.  Bounce rates on sites that don’t look good or function well is really high.  This feature will ensure your visitors are met with a beautiful and modern web presence, which will lead to more conversions.   – Released 03.26.2018


Publish Options(Now or Later) – Imagine you are taking your family on vacation and you’ll be in the air at the exact moment your biggest Internet sale of the year is to start.  How do you make sure your website is up-to-date with your big sale prominently displayed on your site?  It’s easy with the new publish options.  All you need to do is select the date and time that you would like your site to be published and we’ll take care of the heavy lifting for you.  – Released 03.26.2018

Show/Hide disabled pages toggle – If you’ve got a large site and often disable pages and would like to keep your page list a little more organized, you can now hit the toggle to show or hide those disabled pages from your page list view.  – Released 03.26.2018

Simple & Advanced Editor Modes – Overwhelmed easily? If you’re afraid to break things and would rather have a simple editing experience, our new Simple mode is the perfect solution for you.  The more advanced functionality of our system is hidden to allow you to focus on the simple updates you need.  This allows you to focus on your business and not get tied down by complicated technology you aren’t interested in learning.  – Released 03.26.2018


Add before, after and within – This will add the new widget right before, after or within(page or site areas only) the selected widget. This makes it much easier to add new widgets specifically where you want them without using the Move Up and Move Down options.  More precise editing tools mean more time for you to spend on other mission critical business needs or quality time with your family.   – Released 03.26.2018

Device Specific Icons – Global Properties now displays a desktop, tablet, phablet or phone icon in the simple view/technical view tree and in the right panel. The icons indicate that the item selected contains unique properties applied specifically to the desktop, tablet, phablet and/or phone views.  Another great time saving feature that allows you to drill down on which settings are driving the look of your site and easily make changes.   – Released 03.26.2018


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We're internationally-recognized for creating partnerships that provide small- and mid-sized businesses with an engaging, innovative digital marketing solution. We offer support services that boost our clients' potential and help our affiliates create a profitable revenue stream! We provide SMB Website Design, Hosting, SEO, Custom Programming, eCommerce, Social Media Management, Online Reputation Management, Content Writing, Facebook Advertising, Google Adwords, and Text Message Marketing Programs. It is our hope that we can connect with potential partners to help even more businesses - no matter what their industry or size - establish a professional digital presence!

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