Three SEO Tips To Help Boost Your Website 繁體中
SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, is the process of growing the online visibility of a website in organic, non-paid search engine results. Usually, the earlier or higher your website is on a search engine and the more frequent it shows up, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users. If your website is selling items, if your site has good SEO, it can potentially lead to more customers.
With the right SEO strategy, your website can increase its page views, engagements, and sales. Here are three SEO tips to help boost your website.
Optimize You Page Titles
Each page title needs to be unique that describes your page’s content. Your goal is to help the user understand what your page is about by being brief and descriptive. Use the right keyword in your page title so it shows up in search engines. For example, if your website is about sports, your page title should include sports in it.
Creating SEO Friendly Permalinks
Permalinks are the URLs for your website and it’s pages. For example,
In your URLs, use text rather than numbers in order for your site to show up more frequently in search engines. Use hyphens to separate words and prioritize your keywords with the more important words coming first. Here’s an example. Let’s say I write for “” and I’m writing an article about the latest trailer for Avengers: Endgame. Keep your permalink brief and concise.
Link To Internal Pages On Your Site
Internal links are links that point to other pages on your website. Internal links are an way to promote the other pages on your website. Make sure to include internal links in every article you post and on every page on your website.