Prepare for 2016. 繁體中文
It’s hard to believe that fairly soon we will all be in the holiday hustle and bustle and then 2016 will sneak up behind us way before we were ready for it. What can you do now to make sure your Online Strategy is ready to grow your business in 2016? Start by asking yourself these simple questions and then create an action plan.
Web Design:
- Responsive: Is your website responsive? It absolutely should be in 2016!
- Content: Is your content written and presented in a way that will achieve those goals? Identify your goals for your website and let that dictate the content you write for it.
Online Marketing:
- Social Strategy: What platforms are you using right now to connect with your audience? Which platforms do you want to use? How often will you post? What kinds of content will you push out? Can this be a source of Customer Care for your clients?
- Online Visibility: How will you increase your visibility on search engines like Google and Yahoo? Will you take an organic approach or do you want to do a paid adwords program?
- Email Marketing: Have you thought about doing this in the past but didn’t know where to start? Call tech support or watch one of our recorded webinars and start marketing to folks that have asked to be marketed to! Simple campaigns can build value and let your customers know about deals or other important events you have going on.
- How many weeks do you have until the new year?
- How many pages do you want to redesign? Divide them by the number of week you have to give yourself a better chance of getting the pages done.
- How will you achieve your Social Strategy, Online Marketing Goals or Redesign? Will you do it yourself? Use our Customer Care? or do you want to purchase service and have our team do it for you?
Which ever direction you decide to go in, have a clear strategy of what you will do why you need to do it and how you will do it. 866.WEB.HELP
Posted by: Sarah Rose Stack